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NFT: Givling

BlackLight : 1/13/2017 6:14 pm
So I signed up for this around two years ago. It's an online trivia game, available via browser, and also as an iOS and Android app - the goal of which is to crowdfund and ad-fund student loan and mortgage payments.

Here are the basics:

1). It's free to sign up, and you're never, ever forced to pay in money of your own.

2). Each day, you get one Free Play. You're given a series of True/False questions. Get them right, you keep playing, accruing points. Three wrong answers, and you're done for the day. You're randomly paired with 2 other players, and if you're combined scores for the day are the highest, you win a share of a daily cash prize (currently not very much - today's was $190.00, but hold that thought).

3). If you want to play more than once per day, you can buy Coins - one for each additional play. Each Coin costs $0.50, and each purchase of coins incurs a $0.30 transaction fee (So, if you bought 10 Coins at once, it would cost $5.30).

4). Everyone who signs up is assigned a Queue Number, based on the order they signed up (mine is #21237 - they currently have over 100,000 registered users). They select 10 users at a time to enter their Live Funding Queue - to see their student or mortgage loans paid off. Three of those users are chosen in chronological order. Another three are chosen among the game's top funders (those buying Coins). And the last four are selected randomly from the pool of remaining users in a lottery system. For those last 4 users, the odds are stacked in favor of those who play their Free Play every day, interact with ads, and invite new users to join. The more often you play and get others to join up, the better chance you have of landing in the Live Funding Queue.

5). Givling is a start-up, and they just came out of beta testing about 6 weeks ago. The game has seen a dramatic increase in usage and funding since then (they were averaging less than 1000 players a day, now they're up around 6,000 people a day and climbing). More advertisers are signing up, and more players are playing, which means that the loans will be getting funding more and more quickly.

6). Right now, Givling is currently funding ten loans in its first Live Funding Queue - totaling approximately $418,000. They have funded about 27% ($114,826). Every day, it moves up a little bit more, and as more advertisers and players sign up, the rate of daily increase will, itself, increase - instead of a few hundred dollars a day, it'll be a few thousand. Until this thing blows up, it's difficult to know just how quickly these things will get paid off.

7). You don't need either an outstanding student loan or mortgage to sign up or play. If you get selected for the Live Funding Queue and you don't have either, you can sell your spot in the LFQ to another player. If you don't have a mortgage (or student loans), but anticipate having one or both in the future, signing up now would be a good idea for that reason.

8). Why do I care if you sign up? I don't work for Givling - I'm JAG with my own student loan debt to pay off (and possibly a mortgage down the line). But if you sign up with my invite code (AS225966), then I earn points toward getting selected in the next Live Funding Queue (and you can invite your own friends to join and do the same).

Some people are inherently skeptical about things like this - I get it. And some people have moral issues with the idea of people getting help to pay off their financial obligations - I understand this argument less, but I don't really want to argue with anyone about it. But if you have student loan or mortgage debt, if you like playing trivia and can spare a few minutes a day playing it, you should consider signing up.

I'm happy to field any questions. The link to the site is below. You can also check them out on Facebook and Twitter (@Givling) and my invite code is AS225966 - please consider using that if you decide to sign up.

Givling - ( New Window )
Cool find BL  
tbonfig : 1/13/2017 6:41 pm : link
I just used your code, so you should get some credit there.

HOWEVER. If anyone wants to keep the the "pass the buck" ideology - here is my code :-)

Cool deal  
BlackLight : 1/13/2017 7:39 pm : link
Thanks much.
Just want to say thanks again  
BlackLight : 1/14/2017 9:44 pm : link
Saw a bunch of people sign up with my invite code in the last 24 hours. Didn't want to bump needlessly but I just wanted to say thanks since I've no real way to do it more personally.

Hope you all enjoy the game, and it does well for you.
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